Therapy for Women

Therapy for Women

“Women in particular need to keep an eye on their physical and mental health, because if we’re scurrying to and from appointments and errands, we don’t have a lot of time to take care of ourselves. We need to do a better job of putting ourselves higher on our own ‘to do’ list.”

–Michelle Obama

Anywhere you turn, there’s some sort of expectation being placed on you.

Be a good daughter, a doting wife, a patient mother… an empowered professional woman.

There’s just so much pressure. And many times its invisible to others, but women feel it.

Pressure to be feminine, polite, accommodating, and nurturing at all costs. And this pressure to be perfect starts early.

And even when it’s not an overt pressure, subtle messages pushing for this idea of perfection can be found everywhere a little girl turns. But perfectionism doesn’t equal a happy life. In fact, perfectionism has been found to have many negative implications on a female’s mental health often leading to depression and anxiety.

This expectation that you should be able to handle it all on your own… with a smile… while being polite… while wearing heels… is crushing women.

The particular concerns of women today. There are a lot…

Do you feel anxious, sad, or depressed? Are these emotions interfering with your being able to function in at least one area of your life?

Have you been through a traumatic event, such as childhood abuse or rape?

Do people refer to you as “overly sensitive”… do you find yourself feeling hurt way too often by others?

Are you always putting the needs of others in front of your own?

Maybe your relationships keep failing… and you don’t know why

Do you keep repeating the same old relationship patterns?

Are you struggling with issues related to self-esteem or body image?

Maybe you want to like sex… but something is blocking you

Perhaps you’re struggling with addiction (alcohol, drugs, food, sex, love, shopping, etc.)

Do you feel “tapped out” or inadequate in your role as a mother or wife?

Are fertility struggles leaving you feeling hopeless?

We are on a mission for women to get the help they deserve.

You are not alone. And while venting to a friend or your family members can be comforting and relieving, expressing yourself to a licensed therapist can offer you advantages beyond simply a good listener.

We know that adding one more thing to your plate might feel overwhelming, but not getting help could feel even worse. An effective therapist, one that really takes the time to understand what has shaped your experiences as a woman, can help you find a clear direction for obtaining the life you have always dreamed about.

If you are still not sure, we get you. We know making the commitment to begin therapy does not always seem straightforward, and sometimes it strikes up a lot of doubt in ourselves. You might be asking yourself, why can’t I just solve my issues myself? Do I really need therapy? Shouldn’t I be able to figure this out on my own?

Some things we have found just need a little bit more support to resolve themselves.

That’s what our team is all about. We want to hear your unique story and hold your hand while you heal, cope, transform, and thrive.

We understand women’s unique and common challenges…

We understand both the unique and common challenges women are faced with across their lives (e.g., body image issues, gender roles, careers, fertility, relationship stress, traumas), and together we can support you in living a happier and more fulfilling life.

By addressing past traumas, teaching you coping mechanisms, helping you identify patterns that keep getting in the way of your well-being, and offering you a relationship void of judgment or expectations, you will quickly feel supported and guided through this therapeutic journey.

  • Improve self-worth
  • Improve relationships
  • Effective communication to get what you need
  • Become a more confident parent
  • Learn how to set personal boundaries
  • Improve intimacy in romantic relationships
  • Free yourself from anxiety and depression
  • Quiet thoughts of self-criticism
  • Change your outlook on life
  • Reclaim your inner beauty

Therapy with our clinicians will be an opportunity for you to finally get real with someone about your struggles.

Within the walls of our sessions together, there will be no need to pretend you have it all together. As we encourage you to explore your vulnerabilities, we will also help you create a vision for your ideal life as a woman.

At times this will look like us demonstrating to you that we really do understand what you are going through, as we know how healing a therapeutic relationship can be. Other times, we’ll provide you useful, practical, real-world advice. And sometimes, we might even challenge you, help you change your negative thought patterns, and encourage you to engage in exposures to face your fears.

We’ll teach you to stop trying to be “perfect” and just sit in stillness to really get to know yourself and your deepest desires. You’ll learn how to dig deep to understand where your compassion for self first got fractured and engage in self-love exercises.

All in all, therapy with us will be a safe space for you to break free from the chains of perfectionism and start your new chapter of feeling at home in your skin with whatever roles, values, and dreams you have for yourself.

A special message for women…

While one in three Americans struggles with a mental illness, the rate is much higher in women.

And although we can only speculate as to why this is so (e.g., trauma is more common in women, hormones, discrimination, greater sensitivities), one thing we do know is that until the stigma around getting help is removed, we need to make sure we are sending women the message that it is okay to get help.

It’s also okay to be less than perfect, to make mistakes, and to have bad days…

It’s also okay to put your needs first, to prioritize your career over your family, or to make your family your career…

It’s also ok to be assertive, to say “NO,” and to be your authentic self, unapologetically.

We are honored to be a part of your growth.

We know how freeing it can be to finally put to words those fears, nagging thoughts, self-criticisms, and doubts that occupy so much of your life, and yet you don’t normally share with anyone.

You deserve to feel what it is like to truly be seen and feel supported by someone who is on your team and wants you to be free of the stress, anxiety, and overwhelm. We are dedicated to helping you feel free of the pressures and experiences that have gotten you to this place and cannot wait to help you craft a story for your life that will help you achieve a more relaxed and happier life full of self-confidence, balance, and overall life satisfaction.

Call us today to schedule your appointment: (305) 662-2686. We look forward to talking with you.